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Extended Crystalline Heart Grid


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This program will only run again once enough people have expressed their interest! ($10 committment)

  • $361 Cube-on-Cube – Stand alone training, Single Day, Saturday only
  • $528 Early Bird Pricing, Full weekend Training (offered to those who express interest early)
  • $888 Full Weekend Training, Regular Price
  • $888 6 Week Online Program
  • $1111 Full Weekend Gold Tier  Whole weekend workshop attendance, and digital course materials, personal activation of the pattern + a vibrational spray and resonance drops made specifically for use with the Extended Crystalline Heart Grid Pattern by Natasja at Ancient Light Healing ($1500+ value)


Join us for an immersive and transformative experience designed to elevate your existing practice and deepen your understanding of energetic healing. The “Extended Crystalline Heart Grid” New Encoding Pattern, rooted in and expanding upon the groundbreaking work of Dr Mikio Sankey (PhD LAc), offers a unique opportunity to support yourself and your clients through the change process, facilitate the “great shift” within, and connect with the greater planetary field.


Unlock the Possibilities of Advanced Esoteric Acupuncture

The Extended Crystalline Grid pattern anchors the divine light of consciousness, bringing Formlessness into Form.  This New Encoding Pattern assists in integrating the higher (trans-rational) mind with the Heart (‘shen’, living spirit), embodied within the physical vehicle.  In the process of activating this pattern with geometric intelligence, you will be given the chance to experience profoundly beneficial shifts in consciousness, perception, and awareness.  

Forming a crystalline grid within our field strengthens us in a way that allows us to walk forward fearlessly with our Light radiating – that is, having personal responsibility and influence over our own being and the path we walk. It allows us to embody the Knowing that we are a living bridge between Heaven and Earth – Spiritual beings having a human experience.  This is a place for deep transformation, enter this space willingly – aware that you may be confronted with the aspects of self that may fragmented, or not be currently aligned. You will have space held for you, and be ushered towards wholeness with Love.

Though a process of creating deliberate structured movement within the human energetic field, an anchoring and expansion of the light quotient within the field is possible.  Bright, radiant, grounded, expanded.   Through this activation, a process of internal alignment takes place, offering a reinforcement of higher value systems, an expansion of the Heart Field, bringing with it greater cohesion with the finer frequencies of the New Human.

Although this is one of the more advanced patterns from the Esoteric Acupuncture work, this weekend immersion will be suitable for newcomers to the work, as we will systematically introduce concept and processes to skilfully guide you through the complete activation of this pattern over the two days.

Day 1: On the first day, the introductory principles of Esoteric Acupuncture and Lightbody Activation will be covered. The New Encoding Patterns “Indigo Triangle”, “Extended Indigo Triangle”, and “Cube-on-cube” will be consecutively introduced, forming the basic building blocks of the larger “Extended Crystalline Heart Grid” pattern. There will opportunites to work with this pattern both for your own Inner Plane work and personal development, as well as practicing with a partner so as to enable you to confidently use this pattern to work with your clients if you are a practitioner.

Day 2: On day two, the complete Extended Crystalline Heart Grid will be introduced. This will involve working with the expansive hexagonal grid of shielding and radiance in order to interface with the greater collective field; as well as activation of the lower dan-tien, the field of Four Fold Fullness. This will culminate in the group activation of the entire pattern in a ceremonial space, using acupuncture (if desired) and other tools for consciousness exploration including shamanic drum journey, sound and frequency medicine, light language and vocal toning.


Full Weekend Training, Cube on Cube Saturday ONLY, Early Bird Pricing – Full Weekend, Gold Tier – Full Weekend+


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